Aerial Yoga vs. Aerial Flow

Aerial yoga and aerial flow, though often mentioned in the same breath due to their use of hammocks, inhabit distinct spaces within the realm of physical practices. Aerial yoga blends traditional yoga with the supportive element of hammocks to enhance flexibility and strength, providing excellent conditioning for more physically demanding activities. Aerial flow, residing under the broader umbrella of aerial arts, requires a foundation of strength and flexibility and ups the challenge with artistic, dance-like routines. This post delves into how these practices differ significantly in their approach and benefits, helping you determine which might best suit your personal wellness goals.

Defining Aerial Yoga & Aerial Flow

Aerial yoga merges classic yoga techniques with the physical support of a hammock, allowing practitioners to deepen stretches and reduce strain on the body. This practice focuses on enhancing flexibility and building strength in a supportive environment, making it ideal for those seeking a gentle yet effective workout. Unlike aerial yoga, aerial flow is a dynamic and challenging discipline that aligns more closely with aerial arts than with traditional yoga. It combines complex sequences that mimic aerial dance, requiring robust physical conditioning, precise coordination, and a high level of creativity and strength.

Connection Through Conditioning

While aerial yoga and aerial flow might seem different, the strength and flexibility gained from a regular aerial yoga practice provide an excellent foundation for the more demanding aerial flow. Practicing aerial yoga can be a strategic step toward mastering the intricacies of aerial flow sequences.

Main Differences

Purpose & Focus: Aerial yoga aims to improve your overall wellness and increase relaxation through supported poses and stretches, suitable for all levels. Aerial flow, on the other hand, targets those seeking an intense, artistic expression through movement.

Physical Intensity: Aerial yoga is accessible and modifiable, ideal for beginners and those recovering from injuries. Aerial flow demands higher physical stamina and strength, appealing more to seeking more of a challenge.

Class Structure: Aerial yoga sessions focus on individual poses and mindful breathing, while aerial flow classes are characterized by fluid, dance-like sequences that challenge the body and mind.

Benefits of Each

Aerial yoga offers relaxation, improved flexibility, and pain relief through gentle stretches and poses. Aerial flow enhances cardiovascular health, promotes advanced muscle toning, develops artistic skills, and empowers!


The choice between aerial yoga and aerial flow should be guided by your physical conditioning goals, interest in artistic movements, and your current strength level. Both practices offer unique benefits and can complement each other in a comprehensive wellness regimen. Whether you’re starting your journey with the gentle support of aerial yoga or ready to dive into the vigorous world of aerial flow, visit our studio to discover the right class for you. Check our schedule online or connect with us for more information.


The Remarkable Benefits of Aerial Yoga