One Year of Aerial Yoga: My Journey and Our Studio's Milestone

Every journey begins with a single step, and mine started unexpectedly in 2017 when I first embraced yoga. Initially, it was just another form of exercise, but it quickly became my solace, helping me navigate the emotional whirlwind following the loss of my sister in my early 20s. Yoga became more than just movement and breath; it was my way to find peace and regain balance in life.

In 2018, life threw another curveball at me—I lost my job. In that challenging moment, my supportive husband, Shawn, encouraged me to take a pause and decide what I REALLY wanted to do next. I saw an opportunity to deepen my connection with yoga and perhaps help others find the same peace I had discovered. I decided to undertake my first teacher training. My passion for sharing yoga took root in an unexpected place: a brewery where I worked part-time. Teaching yoga there wasn’t just about guiding poses; it was about crafting a community.

Eager to expand my knowledge and skills, I eventually pursued a 300-hour training, envisioning this as the next logical step in my yoga journey. However, I soon realized that the traditional path laid out before me felt too constrictive, almost a "copy and paste" of what everyone else was doing. I yearned to stand out, to offer something uniquely enriching. This realization led me to a period of soul searching, where I sought a practice that resonated more deeply with my vision and values.

That’s when I discovered the hammock—the tool that would redefine my yoga practice. Aerial yoga wasn't just new; it was transformative. It lifted my body and spirit in ways the mat never had. The freedom and creativity of movement in aerial yoga reignited my passion for teaching and sharing yoga. It also led me to discover a new passion in Aerial Dance Flow. The combination of Aerial Yoga and Aerial Dance together in one studio is a match made in heaven! It felt like finding a missing piece of myself that I hadn’t even realized was lost.

I chose a very special date for our opening: my sister’s birthday. This decision wasn’t just about honoring her memory; it was about intertwining her spirit with the studio. On this day we celebrate not only the anniversary of the studio but also a life that deeply inspires the sanctuary we’ve created. Through this connection, the studio isn't just a space for practice; it's a living tribute, a place where everything carries a deeper resonance.

Today, as I reflect on this journey and celebrate the first anniversary of our aerial yoga studio, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. This path wasn't just about discovering aerial yoga; it was about building a community. The people who walk through our door every day aren't just clients; they are the heart and soul of this studio. Without them, none of this would be possible.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. I look forward to many more years of flying together, exploring the boundless possibilities that aerial yoga and dance bring into our lives.


Exploring Aerial Yoga: Elevate Your Yoga Experience